Upon import I first see a dialog warning displaying the Source CRS as EPSG:2957. Enclosed is a bunch of data with test cases. The problem I encountered is more nuanced than I first thought. Even if it doesn't matter for my case there could be other cases where not checking the data extent against the CRS extent might matter. I believe the NAD83(CSRS) are for 'Canadian Spatial Reference System' and might be optimized for higher latitudes. Qgis_resource_sharing QuickOSM db_manager MetaSearch processing To eliminate any possible confusion I can manually select the expected CRS. I am not knowledgeable enough to be certain it will not affect the calibration. The PROJ4 parameters between EPSG 269 appear to be the same so this may not affect the calibration. QGIS does not appear to be using the extent in selecting a CRS. EPSG 26913 is for latitudes from 29° to 84° (my range) and EPSG 2957 is for latitudes from 49° to 84° (outside of my range). and comparing EPSG 269 the only difference I see is the extent.
Note that GeoTIFF appears not to contain either EPSG 26913 or 2957 but is described in lower level details. The GeoTIFF was created using the QGIS raster georeferencer from an uncalibrated TIFF. When I import a GeoTIFF created with EPSG 26913 'NAD83 / UTM zone 13N' it defaults to EPSG 2957 'NAD83(CSRS) / UTM zone 13N'Įnclosed is 'gdalinfo' for one GeoTIFF that shows the problem.