The bag has two front compartments that can be accessed only by opening the main part of the bag, plus two smaller side ones that can be utilized even with the bag closed.
The straps and buckles on the front are super stylish, as are the handle, the shoulder strap and the stitching, all elements that make it a perfect bag to complement an urban look like mine, as well as one that’s a little more hipster or retro. My initial reaction when I first saw this bag was whoa!!! No other way to say it! The leather is really top quality, and it has a tough-yet-charming look that’ll only improve with age – normal wear on the leather will just lend it greater charisma. So in my free time, I carry The Brixton – Camera Bag! Who says a photographer has to give up being stylish? Personally, I love the aesthetic side of things, so I like having a camera bag that’s not just practical and handy, but also suits my personal style.